Austria, Saturday, 25th July

Morning Acting on instructions from St Petersburg Kudashev asks for an extension of the time limit. He sees Macchio because Berchtold has already left Vienna for Bad Ischl to be with the Emperor when the Serbian reply is received.
Macchio says there is no possibility of an extension and also rejects any idea that the other powers can be involved in the dispute.

Morning Berchtold telegrams Szápáry saying he is to reassure Sazonov that the demand for Austro-Hungarian officials to operate in Serbia is not an infringement of its sovereignty. The idea is to establish a "Security Bureau" in Belgrade similar to the Russian bureaux in Paris and Berlin, where Russian officials monitor the activities of the Russian revolutionaries in exile.

Morning Kudashev telegrams Berchtold on the train to Bad Ischl demanding an extension of the time limit.
Berchtold replies to Macchio that he agrees with his earlier statements to Kudashev and he can also tell him that "even after the breaking-off of diplomatic relations the unconditional acceptance of our demands can bring about a peaceful solution" though Serbia would then have to pay all of Vienna's costs.

8.00 P.M., Bad Ischl News of the Serbian rejection reaches Berchtold. He goes to see the Emperor. Krobatin is also present and the three men agree to continue the plan agreed in early July. There will be war with Serbia.
The Emperor orders mobilisation of seven army corps against Serbia, Plan B. As the next day is a Sunday, the measure is to be proclaimed on Monday, 27 July, and Tuesday, 28 July, will be the first day of mobilisation.
They agree that there will be no military deployment along the frontier with Russia in Galicia and a central reserve will be maintained until it is clear how the crisis is developing.