Britain, Saturday, 11th July
15 July After another meeting with Grey Lichnowsky reports to Berlin that Grey believes everything depends on the form of the Austro-Hungarian intervention might take. In no case should there be a reduction of Serbian territory.
Britain is not in a position to influence Russian policy if Austro-Hungarian military measures upset Russia.
16 July Bunsen wires alarming report from Vienna. An informant has told him the Austro-Hungarians will require the Serbian government to adopt measures to stop nationalist and anarchist propaganda, and the Austro-Hungarian government is in no mood to parley and will insist on immediate compliance, failing which force will be used.
Germany is said to be in complete agreement with this procedure. [More]
16 July Lichnowsky writes privately to Bethmann. He repeats his earlier warning that if Vienna resorts to force against Serbia it will turn public opinion in Britain against Austria-Hungary.
He also offers his analysis that military measures will not solve the underlying problem of pan-Slav agitation in parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.